Legal notice
Pursuant to Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, Iparra Beer SL informs you that it is registered in the Basque Trade Register. Here is your identification information:
Company name: Iparra Beer SL
CIF: B01835784
Company address: Hozpel Street Anoeta Gipuzkoa, SPAIN
Phone: 699296748
Email for communication:
All notifications and communications between users and Iparra Beer SL will be considered effective for all purposes, whether by mail or by any of the other means mentioned above.
This legal notice is available on the website (hereinafter LA WEB) regulates its use. Its owner is Iparra Beer SL.
Browsing the website of Iparra Beer SL gives you the status of user, and implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions contained in this Legal Notice, which are subject to change.
The website and its services are free and open access; however, Iparra Beer SL conditions that you may use some of the services offered on its website by filling in the corresponding form in advance.
All content on the website, such as text, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, design and source code, belong to Iparra Beer SL, and it cannot be understood that the user has been granted the exploitation rights to use the website properly. -more than necessary.
The user guarantees North Beer It will be solely responsible for the veracity and timeliness of all data communicated to SL, and for any false or inaccurate statements it makes.
The user is obliged to use the website correctly, in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, use of traffic and this legal notice. The user must be liable to Iparra Beer SL or third parties for any damages that may arise as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.
Iparra Beer SL is not responsible for the content of the web pages that may be accessed through the links established on the LA WEB, and states that it will not in any way analyze or control the content of other web pages. Nor does it guarantee, through links, the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of pages that do not belong to it.
Iparra Beer SL declares that it has taken all the necessary measures to prevent the damage that could be caused to users of LA WEB by browsing it. Therefore, Iparra Beer SL will not be held liable in any way for any damage that the user may suffer as a result of browsing the Internet.
This website may collect visitor data using cookies. Cookie policy, consult, if applicable.
The user can configure their browser to notify them that they have received cookies and, if they wish, to prevent them from being installed on the hard disk.
If personal information is collected on the website, please consult for more information privacy policy .